How to make a GIF In Photoshop in 10 easy steps

This week on Amanda’s locked out of her instagram account.. ha! If you have been following along on my Instagram stories the past few days then you are aware that good ol’ Instagram apparently thinks my spike in new followers as of late is actually me hiring people (aka BOTS) to be my frrannnndss. Guess agian, Instagram- you are INSTA wrong! All of my followers are real people and I actually filter out any bots that add my account 1. because they prevent your feed from being seen to potentially REAL clients.. and 2. THEY’RE NOT REAL. & 3. I am WAY to cheap to pay a fake person to be my fake friend. I would much rather take that money and invest in some new equiptment or some movie popcorn. Hands up if you feel me?!

Well, Jokes on them, because this whole being blocked for a week (I can post in stories, but not in my feed or comment or like others that inspire me.. boo.) has inspired me to put my time, effort and focus into other social spots that I have been slacking on with the hustle and bustle of the busy season. You know, facebook, pinterest, google, the blog! Afterall, you should never put all of your eggs in one basket!

Alright lets get down to it! I know you have all been seeing GIFS pop up left and right in your feeds! Some have it all figured out and others, are searching the web for the easiest possible way without jepordizing major quality. Others.. not so much or may be having issues posting to Instagram or social media outlets. I am here to quickly walk your through the easiest way to generate a GIF in photoshop! Once you get these steps down, you will no longer need me and you will be making GIFS left and right.

How to Make a GIF in Photoshop

Here we go! How to make a GIF in photoshop! These directions are 10 EASY steps even a caveman could do it … HA or at least someone who maybe doesnt have much experience in photoshop. Don’t let the long list of steps scare you off. You will be generating GIF’s in no time!

Step 1: First edit all images how you would like them to appear in your GIF and save them all into a folder saved onto your desktop or whereever you can easily access it.

Step 2: Next, Open Photoshop. In the upper left hand corner go to File- Scrips- and click Load Files into Stack.

Step 3: A window will pop up, Click Browse- Load all of your images in, in the order they will appear in your GIF. Press OK.

Step 4: Your images will load into the layers window on the right of your screen. Before doing anything with them just yet, You will head up back to the top of your screen where you see the word WINDOW, click on it a drop down box will pop up. Look for the work timeline and make sure it is selected.

Step 5: Your timeline box should now pop up under the large selected photo in the middle of your photoshop screen. In the middle of this box you will see the option to select ‘Create Frame Animation’ You guessed it.. click that.

Step 6: In this same area you just click Create frame animation, to the right you will see 3 white stacked lines. Select these lines and click on ‘Make Frames From Layers’

Step 7: OPTIONAL** Sometimes Photoshop can be a little sneaky and for some reason they upload the GIF images backwards. IF this should happen to you, it is an easy fix. Go back to those 3 lines you previously clicked, and find the option to Reverse frames. TOLD YOU… EASY.

Step 8: In the timeline window under each image you will see the option to choose how many seconds you would like each photo to be shown within your GIF. You can press the play button to see how it all flows. Less seconds obviously means your GIF will be super fast, the more seconds selected per photo, the slower the speed.

Step 9: Your GIF is ready for Export. Select File- Export - Render Video. (This is where a lot of people tend to mess up and try to save the file as a GIF for instagram. Instagram does not support GIF files and so the GIF must be saved as an MP4.

Step 10: Name your file & select save!

Voilà! you just made your GIF!!!

Tag me in your GIFS on instagram so I can see how they turned out & if you have any followup questions, you can DM me there as well!

Visit Scottiebe on INSTAGRAM now!

Happy Gif-fing!

Amanda Schmidt